Nestled in the heart of the Dawson Valley, Moura is a thriving regional town, home to some two thousand people supported by a range of primary industries. It is a vibrant town with industries including coal mining, seam gas, ammonia nitrate production, beef cattle, cotton and cropping. This township prides itself on its strong community spirit. Moura is located in Banana Shire on the Dawson Highway and is 169km south west of Rockhampton, 183km west of Gladstone and 66 km west of Biloela.
Moura boasts a range of services to support great family living including retail shops, hospital with health support services, medical centre with Allied Health Services, government office, Childcare Centre, Kindergarten, High School, Youth Centre and a great range of parks and sport and recreation clubs. Families can enjoy team sports, a beautiful pool facility or peaceful picnic spots at the Dawson River just down the road.
A highlight of the year is the annual Coal and Country Festival which celebrates what makes our town great. Moura prides itself on its range of community events and entertainment.